Saturday, 17 December 2011

Where's Eric? - A Christmas Game For All The Planning Family

Is it just me, or has our illustrious leader been somewhat reticent of late to bring yet another exciting change to the planning system for our rapt attention. 

Certainly Grant Shapps has been out on the stump as usual giving vent to all kinds of new ideas; including the all singing, all dancing, answer to everything, the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) due to grace my mid-life crisis by Easter. Even the Chancellor of the Exchequer has recently expounded on planning delays and the appeal system. But where is Captain Pickles?

Since the Government reshuffle in the early autumn - when Eric didn't get Minister for Catapults & Knocking on Doors & Running Away (about the sum total of Britain's defence establishment by the look of it) - he has been remarkably absent from public view and (worryingly) very, very silent. 

Could he be plotting a new planning coup - something so fiendishly cunning that even the most cunning of cunning foxes would blanche embarrassed and wonder what the devil he'd been doing with his life? 

Is he hiding behind the Localism Act? 

Or maybe he is simply distracted by ideas of how to repatriate all Eurozone-huggers back to France "to see how they like it for once".

So I wondered if you can help find him. Let me know if you see him. And there's a Wally in there too!!

And a Merry Christmas to you All.

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